Gas, Fuel, & Propane
Badger Oil offers gas, fuel and propane sales and delivery. We have local delivery available for each and offer tanker load for both gas and fuel with a few days’ notice. Our transport tanks give us the flexibility to offer our customers full loads and we can split them between farms with additional drop fees.
Our propane is offered on a prepaid scheduled route delivery or a will call basis with good credit. We typically send out contract information in August to our customers and this gives them the option to contract propane at a prepaid contract price. This allows our farm customers the option to buy propane for their dryers as well, but all contract propane must be prepaid. We also offer a will call service for propane, but you must be in good credit standing and you should call us when your tank is at no less than 25-30%. If your tank is completely out, by law, we have to run a leak test and this is an additional charge and requires that someone is home so we can do a thorough check as well as re-light the pilots. For will call customers, you do have to purchase a minimum number of gallons and a minimum fee applies.